Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ebooks Rise (again)

I recently attended the wonderful "Love is Murder" con in Chicago, and was struck all over again by how publishing is changing. I sat in on several panels with publishers, editors, and agents representing such companies as Murder Ink, Five Star Mysteries, and the brand new Ampicellis Ebooks.

The theme of the conference seemed to be that despite the closing of brick and mortar stores, authors have more options than ever before. We heard Joe Konrath (The Kindle King) talk about his publishing model, now entirely electronic after having a traditional publisher and NY agent. True, we have more choices, but each one of us must think carefully about where she wants to be in the general scheme of things. Do you want to be a NY author with a NY agent and publishing company? Then the traditional route (hobnob at conferences, find an agent, hold out for a good deal) is probably the way to go. For many of us, though, it makes sense to explore smaller publishing companies that offer both trade paperback and ebook editions and a focus on online marketing.

It is an exciting time to be an author, and I am willing to try new roads to publication. Launching what I hope will be a new series (historical mysteries set in central Illinois), I plan to explore all the options. I sure hope my books can still be available in some kind of print--I definitely love the feel and heft of the physical book. and the smell of the paper...


Ellis Vidler said...

Sarah, E-books seem to be in a mad growth period. I love the convenience of them even though I still buy print books. I believe with a good story and a well-written book, you'll do well. Good luck.

Sarah Wisseman said...

Thanks, Ellis! I still believe in print books, though. I want it all!

fries with that? said...
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fries with that? said...

Sarah-its strange, I just published my first e-book and while 1/2 the people I know who are my contemporaries (mid-40's) love the book, the other half are looking for hard copy and I am honestly not sure an independent publisher can even offer than any longer.


My standard answer (so far) is if I sell 1000 downloads, I'll figure out publishing. But that's not really the answer either.